Class details
Knowing how to control, preempt or defuse possible dangers in everyday life requires a set of skills that can be learned. Based on skills and principles taken from both the ancient and modern military and security fields, this eye-opening course drives you through a “zooming-in” analysis of your daily life routine. The potentially dangerous situations are analyzed and you will learn the tactics and strategies to avoid them or minimize their effect if encountered. This course will give you the mindset and knowledge you need to stay safe.

We start by offering a simple methodology for conducting a personal risk and threat assessment. Once the students understand how to assess risk in their own personal lives and life-styles, we move on to concepts like prevention and risk management.

After analyzing several case studies and understanding how the above concepts work, we move on to empowering our students with key personal protection principles to avoid/prevent/defuse common scenarios. We also stress the importance of a proactive mindset and the usage of readily available tools.

To book this course for your organization or group click here.

Class Information

Price: $250
TimeFrame: 3hr, 6hr, 12hr
Certificate: Participation
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